ProcessWatcher 3.2

What it's all about

ProcessWatcher is a utility application for MacOS compatible computers running at least MacOS 7.0. It provides a very easy way of monitoring the processes running on your computer and any other Macintosh computer on your AppleTalk network.

ProcessWatcher can display two kinds of windows: processes list windows and process information windows. Processes list windows display the list of the running processes; you can use it to switch to another application at the click of the mouse (see below). Process information windows give information about the process such as the Process Serial Number, the active time, the launch flags, the memory used.

ProcessWatcher can connect to a remote ProcessWatcher application (either ProcessWatcher or PWd, the ProcessWatcher background only "daemon" application) to monitor the processes running on another machine of the network.

Using ProcessWatcher you can also kill the running processes, launch new processes, and send Open AppleEvents to running processes.

The Processes List Window

The main window is called "Processes". It displays the list of the running processes on the local machine. The processes include the applications with a user-interface (the same list displayed in the Application menu on the right end of the menu bar) and background only applications (such as the Apple Guide or PWd for instance). To open this window, use the Processes:Show List menu item.

When this window is opened, you can:

Useful Tips

Process Information Windows

To open a Process Information window, double-click on a process name in a Processes List window, use the Get Info or Info for All menu items. These windows provides information on the process:

For processes running on the local machine, the active time and memory indicators are updated every few seconds.

The launch flags can be hidden or shown by clicking on the small arrow in the window. The launch flags are hidden by default, but this can be changed in the Preferences dialog. Use Balloons Help and point at the flags for more information.

Remote monitoring

To be able to monitor remote machines, you must ensure first that Application Linking in on and that you have the right privileges to link to remote processes.

These settings are found:

You can then connect using the Remote Connection... command from the Process menu. Note that most commands from the Process menu are available remotely (such as Kill or Send Open AppleEvent...).


PWd is a background only process which acts as a server for a ProcessWatcher running on another computer, and can be useful when administrating a network. You can install PWd in the "Startup" folder of the computers of your network if you intend to monitor what's running there. Since PWd is a background only process, most users won't notice it. Be sure to have the right privileges for Program Linking in order to be able to connect to PWd. To quit PWd, launch ProcessWather and use the Kill command in the process menu.

Launching other processes

You can launch other processes using the Launch Process... menu item. Just select the file of the application or other launchable item, from the Open File dialog (available types are applications APPL, desk accessories ffil, Finder FNDR). If the file is not shown in the dialog (control panels APPC, background only tasks appe), just hold down the Option key while selecting the menu item. Then you can select any file. For instance, to select the Apple Guide extension (type INIT), you should hold the option key.

Process Menu

Contextual menus are available under MacOS 8 using Control-click.


Using the Preferences... command in the Edit menu you can customize ProcessWatcher's behaviour such as:


ProcessWatcher 3.2 supports some scripting with AppleScript (and maybe other scripting languages, but I never tried another one). Be aware that ProcessWatcher is still not recordable.

Here is a small example of a script sent to ProcessWatcher:

tell application "ProcessWatcher"
   set the bounds of window 1 to {50, 50, 200, 250}
   connect "ProcessWatcher" at machine "Michael" at zone "Python"
   set the bounds of window "Michael:Processes" to {210, 50, 410, 250}
   connect "PWd" at machine "Terry"
   set the bounds of window "Terry:Processes" to {420, 50, 630, 250}
   kill "Finder"
end tell

More documentation?

You can show the balloons help.

Where to find new versions

Check at for newer versions or revisions.

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